Bella Habip is a training analyst, supervisor and a member of the Paris Psychoanalytic Society (SPP) and the International Psychoanalytical Association (IPA). She has completed her undergraduate studies in psychology and graduate studies in clinical psychology at the GrenobleUniversity in France.

She is a founding member and former president of the Istanbul Psychoanalytic Association for Training, Research and Development (Psike Istanbul). She is a former member of the publishing committee of the International Journal of Psychoanalysis and the first editor of the Turkish Annual between 2009-2013, and still member of the redaction committee of the same Annual. She is the author of Psikanalizin İçinden/ Through Psychoanalysis (Yapı Kredi Publishing, 2007, 2012 , Klinik ile Kuram Buluşunca/When The Clinical Meets the Theory (Yapi Kredi Publishing, 2012), and of Kültür ve Psikanaliz/Culture and Psychoanalysis (Yapı Kredi Publishing 2018) and the editor of numerous volumes from the Emerging Issues in Psychoanalysis series published by Ithaki including Bensizbiz/Iyouus (2002, edited volume); Kadınlık, Yeniden/ Femininity, Again (2003, edited volume); Neden Psikanaliz/Pourquoi Une Psychanalyse? (2003, Roger Perron); and Çocukluk Çağının Sıcağında/Au Vif de l’Infantile (2010, Florence Guignard). She is also the editor of the Turkish translation of M. Klein’s Love, Guilt and Reparation (2008, Kanat Publishing). Since 1996, her articles and interviews have been published in journals such as Cogito, Defter, Tarih ve Toplum, Doğu-Batı. She has also contributed to edited volumes Yüzyılın Psikanalizi/The Century’s Psychoanalysis, Freud Konuşmaları/Freud Lectures and Cinsiyetli Olmak/ Being Gendered, Tuhaflık ve Yaratıcılık/Strangeness and Creativity (1996, 2008 and 2007, Yapı Kredi Publishing.

A number of her articles have also been published in international journals: “La situation de la Psychanalyse en Turquie”/The Situation of Psychoanalysis in Turkey (Bulettin de la SPP, Paris, Winter 1996); “La Naissance de la Psychanalyse en Turquie”/The Birth of Psychoanalysis in Turkey (Bulletin d’information du 4ème Groupe, No:29, Paris, 2000); “La question des limites à l’intérieur de la cure: quelques reflexions sur le cadre comme lieu de la symbolisation”/The Question of Limits within the Cure (Ek ton ystéron No:6, Athens, 2001); “De la complétude à la Complémentarité: Une Construction des Liens”/From Completeness to Complementarity (Revue Française de Psychanalyse, LXXII, 2008, No:5), “Erotic passion as a desperate cry aimed at the other: Nagisa Oshima’s In the realm of the senses” (The International Journal of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 96, June 2015); “Les dessous féminins de Monsieur A: Un exemple de fonctionnement onirique continu du moi inconscient” (La revue Française de Psychanalyse, LXXX, 2016, No:5).
